Does adding more RAM to your computer make it faster ?

Up to a point, adding RAM (random access memory) will normally cause your computer to
feel faster on certain types of operations. RAM is important because of an operating system
component called the virtual memory manager (VMM).
When you run a program such as a word processor or an Internet browser, the
microprocessor in your computer pulls the executable file off the hard disk and loads it into
RAM. In the case of a big program like Microsoft Word or Excel, the EXE consumes about 5
megabytes. The microprocessor also pulls in a number of shared DLLs (dynamic link
libraries) -- shared pieces of code used by multiple applications. The DLLs might total 20 or
30 megabytes. Then the microprocessor loads in the data files you want to look at, which
might total several megabytes if you are looking at several documents or browsing a page
with a lot of graphics. So a normal application needs between 10 and 30 megabytes of RAM
space to run. On my machine, at any given time I might have the following applications
• A word processor
• A spreadsheet
• A DOS prompt
• An e-mail program
• A drawing program
• Three or four browser windows
• A fax program
• A Telnet session
Besides all of those applications, the operating system itself is taking up a good bit of space.
Those programs together might need 100 to 150 megabytes of RAM, but my computer only
has 64 megabytes of RAM installed.
The extra space is created by the virtual memory manager. The VMM looks at RAM and
finds sections of RAM that are not currently needed. It puts these sections of RAM in a place
called the swap file on the hard disk. For example, even though I have my e-mail program
open, I haven't looked at e-mail in the last 45 minutes. So the VMM moves all of the bytes
making up the e-mail program's EXE, DLLs and data out to the hard disk. That is called
swapping out the program. The next time I click on the e-mail program, the VMM will swap
in all of its bytes from the hard disk, and probably swap something else out in the process.
Because the hard disk is slow relative to RAM, the act of swapping things in and out causes
a noticeable delay.
If you have a very small amount of RAM (say, 16 megabytes), then the VMM is always
swapping things in and out to get anything done. In that case, your computer feels like it is
crawling. As you add more RAM, you get to a point where you only notice the swapping
when you load a new program or change windows. If you were to put 256 megabytes of
RAM in your computer, the VMM would have plenty of room and you would never see it
swapping anything. That is as fast as things get. If you then added more RAM, it would have
no effect.
Some applications (things like Photoshop, many compilers, most film editing and animation
packages) need tons of RAM to do their job. If you run them on a machine with too little

RAM, they swap constantly and run very slowly. You can get a huge speed boost by adding
enough RAM to eliminate the swapping. Programs like these may run 10 to 50 times faster
once they have enough RAM!


In this tutorial, I’m gonna show you, how to crack any type of CD Protection,
using W32Dasm, and HIEW.

OK, let’s start:
First of all, you have to run the dam n game you want to crack, without t he CD.
The game, doesn’t work of course, (Please, don’t panic) BUT a window pops up,
telling you an error message.
This error message will help you to crack the game so, you’ve got to remember it.
For example: Please insert the - CD, or: You need the CD to play the - . ( -, is the
game you want to crack). Anyway, if you are so idiot and you can’t remember it,
write it, in a little piece of paper.
Now, run Win32Dasm, and on the toolbar, press the first litt le button on the left,
OR, go to Disassembler ->Open file to Disassemble. A m enu will pop up. Select
the exe which you want to crack. The disassemble, will take few minutes so, I
suggest you, to go for shitting.

OK, it finished its process.
Now, in your screen, there is a strange text, and we can’t understand anything of
course. Don’t worry, the only thing we have to do, ( If you want, you can change the
font), is to click on the String Data References, the button next to the print button
You can see a window which is called String Data Items. Scroll down, and try to
find the game’s error message. When you’ll find it, double click on it, and t hen,
close the window, to go back to the Win32Dasm text.
As you can see you are somewhere in the CD check routine. This is the message’s
place. Now comes the interesting and difficult part, so, be careful.
We don’t know what all these shits mean, BUT we must know the @ offset of
every call and jump command.
Write down, every call and jump @ offset number. (You have to be sure, that the
OPBAR change its used color to green). You need the number behind the @offset
without the h. Let’s go to HIEW, now.

To move up and down, use the cursor keys. Start HIEW. exe.
In the HIEW directory, there is a list of exes and programs. Go to the directory,
which you saved the game’s exe, we want to crack, and click on the exe. Click F4,
and then, a menu will pop up, with 3 words. Text, Hex, and Decode. Click on
Decode, and now, we can understand t he list of numbers.
Click F5, and you can now enter the number, we wrote down, in Win32Dasm. Type
it, and you will be placed at the number’s place. The cursor is placed on a

Before I’ll continue, I want to explain you something. For example, if the command
where our cursor is placed on, is E92BF9BF74, means that it is 5 bytes.
Every 2 numbers, are one byte: E9-2B-F9-BF-74 = 90-90-90-90-90. 10 letters, mean,
5 bytes.
OK, if you understood it, you can continue.

Press F3, which means edit, and now you can edit these ten numbers.
Type five times, the number 90. For every byte, 90. Now click on F10 to exit.
We cracked the CD protection of the - . Congratulations.

By: Q-Tipz

How Do Parallel Ports Work??

If you have a printer connected to your computer, there is a good chance that it uses the
parallel port. While USB is becoming increasingly popular, the parallel port is still a
commonly used interface for printers.
Parallel ports can be used to connect a host of popular computer peripherals:
• Printers
• Scanners
• CD burners
• External hard drives
• Iomega Zip removable drives
• Network adapters
• Tape backup drives
In this edition of HowStuffWorks, you will learn why it is called the parallel port, what it does
and exactly how it operates.
Parallel Port Basics
Parallel ports were originally developed by IBM as a way to connect a printer to your PC.
When IBM was in the process of designing the PC, the company wanted the computer to
work with printers offered by Centronics, a top printer manufacturer at the time. IBM decided
not to use the same port interface on the computer that Centronics used on the printer.
Instead, IBM engineers coupled a 25-pin connector, DB-25, with a 36-pin Centronics
connector to create a special cable to connect the printer to the computer. Other printer
manufacturers ended up adopting the Centronics interface, making this strange hybrid cable
an unlikely de facto standard.
When a PC sends data to a printer or other device using a parallel port, it sends 8 bits of
data (1 byte) at a time. These 8 bits are transmitted parallel to each other, as opposed to the
same eight bits being transmitted serially (all in a single row) through a serial port. The
standard parallel port is capable of sending 50 to 100 kilobytes of data per second.

Let's take a closer look at what each pin does when used with a printer:
• Pin 1 carries the strobe signal. It maintains a level of between 2.8 and 5 volts, but
drops below 0.5 volts whenever the computer sends a byte of data. This drop in
voltage tells the printer that data is being sent.
• Pins 2 through 9 are used to carry data. To indicate that a bit has a value of 1, a
charge of 5 volts is sent through the correct pin. No charge on a pin indicates a value
of 0. This is a simple but highly effective way to transmit digital information over an
analog cable in real-time.
• Pin 10 sends the acknowledge signal from the printer to the computer. Like Pin 1, it
maintains a charge and drops the voltage below 0.5 volts to let the computer know
that the data was received.
• If the printer is busy, it will charge Pin 11. Then, it will drop the voltage below 0.5
volts to let the computer know it is ready to receive more data.
• The printer lets the computer know if it is out of paper by sending a charge on Pin
• As long as the computer is receiving a charge on Pin 13, it knows that the device is
• The computer sends an auto feed signal to the printer through Pin 14 using a 5-volt
• If the printer has any problems, it drops the voltage to less than 0.5 volts on Pin 15
to let the computer know that there is an error.
• Whenever a new print job is ready, the computer drops the charge on Pin 16 to
initialize the printer.
• Pin 17 is used by the computer to remotely take the printer offline. This is
accomplished by sending a charge to the printer and maintaining it as long as you
want the printer offline.
• Pins 18-25 are grounds and are used as a reference signal for the low (below 0.5
volts) charge

Notice how the first 25 pins on the Centronics end match up with the pins of the first
connector. With each byte the parallel port sends out, a handshaking signal is also sent so
that the printer can latch the byte.
The original specification for parallel ports was unidirectional, meaning that data only
traveled in one direction for each pin. With the introduction of the PS/2 in 1987, IBM offered a
new bidirectional parallel port design. This mode is commonly known as Standard Parallel
Port (SPP) and has completely replaced the original design. Bidirectional communication
allows each device to receive data as well as transmit it. Many devices use the eight pins (2
through 9) originally designated for data. Using the same eight pins limits communication to
half-duplex, meaning that information can only travel in one direction at a time. But pins 18
through 25, originally just used as grounds, can be used as data pins also. This allows for
full-duplex (both directions at the same time) communication.
Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) was created by Intel, Xircom and Zenith in 1991. EPP allows
for much more data, 500 kilobytes to 2 megabytes, to be transferred each second. It was
targeted specifically for non-printer devices that would attach to the parallel port, particularly
storage devices that needed the highest possible transfer rate.
Close on the heels of the introduction of EPP, Microsoft and Hewlett Packard jointly
announced a specification called Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) in 1992. While EPP
was geared toward other devices, ECP was designed to provide improved speed and
functionality for printers.
In 1994, the IEEE 1284 standard was released. It included the two specifications for parallel
port devices, EPP and ECP. In order for them to work, both the operating system and the
device must support the required specification. This is seldom a problem today since most
computers support SPP, ECP and EPP and will detect which mode needs to be used,
depending on the attached device. If you need to manually select a mode, you can do so
through the BIOS on most computers.

How To BURN Files larger than 700Mb to CD with NERO

This allows you to burn files larger than 700mb to CD, Be Careful though adding to much can
cause errors, try not to burn more than 800mb to a 700mb cd

Step 1: Open Nero Burning Rom (Not Nero Express) and goto File>Preferences
Step 2:Select Expert Features
Step 3:Tick the Enable Disk-at-once CD Over burning and set to 99 min,then tick the Enable
generation of a short lead out

now select apply and ok
